Sunday, 31 March 2013

On Faith: Easter

"Jesus Christ left the tomb empty to fill our empty hearts." - Rick Warren.

Wow, He is risen!

How many of us would get nails from Jesus Christ hands or die & resurrect to soothe/give hope to mankind?
Such a selfless savior.
Let's internalize Jesus' overflowing love & share this new treasure he has freely given us with our family, friends & strangers.
What would we feel if our loved one resurrected? Would we feel scared or glad to see them? How would they feel about us, while they were gone?
I believe there should be a difference.

A blessed Easter celebration to you & yours.

Friday, 29 March 2013

On Faith: Holy Friday

Today is Holy [sacred] Friday.

What I love about Jesus Christ is the fact that he was/is not a coward: to love, defend his conviction, hide his relationship -  with the father, mother, prostitute, foreigner, tax collector [wall street guy], carrying the cross [because of my sins - injustice, hate, corruption et al], hanging on a tree with nails & resurrection.

Let our relationship mold us to be as a humble, loyal, honest, courageous & knowledgeable being as him. 

Tough but, through him, all things are possible.

A toast to my savior for a glorious finish! Such a SLICK guy & King.

A blessed Holy Friday.